August 30, 2009 2nd Post
Water, it is so vital. Water is life itself in Djibouti. The nomads follow water for themselves and their animals. The government trucks in water by the liters to fill barrels and tanks left alongside the road by those living near the area.
In all of Souleiman and my meetings with government and non-governmental sectors, the problem to progress, health, education and more is WATER. We have had several good meetings with the water ministry and also UNICEF (who is providing almost all of the water drilling, rainwater collection tanks and trucking in of potable water in the Lac Assal region). They are also vitally involved in providing larger infrastructure water systems for the entire country. They told us about Dubai Cares a very active NGO in this part of the country. This link is from the Dubai Cares website: I found it very interesting and we are going to try and set up a meeting with their representative in Djibouti, if we can.
Both UNICEF and Dubai Cares are working with the same program goal in mind: They call it WASH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, all three of which must be addressed.
Makes since to me. I want to follow their lead in our endeavors to help the Lac Assal region. We don't need to reinvent the wheel, just make it better and bring it to more people.
Keep up the great work, Ann. What's developing with the school and literacy project, and related NGOs?